

Ad Specifications

Device Availability



800x250, 850x250, 940x250, 950x250, 960x250, 970x250, 980x250, 990x250, 1000x250, 1005x250

To ensure best quality on high resolution displays, deliver your assets with a doubled resolution.

Accepted Formats

  • JPG, GIF, PNG (optimalerweise in doppelter Auflösung anliefern)

  • HTML

  • Re-Direct/Script

Streaming (Video)

ja, max. 30 sec (polite download)


Additional Information

  • Streaming: Video has to be hosted externally

  • The billboard with the size of 800x250 is showing the highest distribution and therefore disposes the highest reach. The size 970x250 corresponds to the IAB standard size for Billboards, but maybe (due to insufficiant content width) unavailable on certain websites, due to unsufficient content width.

  • Ideally, you deliver both billboard sizes. We will supply the version which visually fits best in the layout of the respective website.

  • for HTML ad, please note the HTML Specs