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Ad Specifications
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Additional Information
Advertising Principles
Beautiful advertising speaks for itself. We believe in the importance of a clean, well balanced composition with a focus on a single key message per creative.
People come to to share their ideas. WeTransfer strives to bring the
The platform is used by millions of people a day, all around the world. We keep the diversity and uniqueness of people in mind by ensuring creative is readable on a wide range of screen sizes and is appropriate for all ages.
Detailed Guidelines
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140 CHARACTER LIMITWeTransfer has set a character limit of 140 characters (excluding logos or wordmarks) on their wallpapers. Characters on products or packshots will go towards the character count limit. An allowable exception is where typography is a key aspect of the wallpaper design but adheres to their clean design principles. Mandatory legal disclaimers do not count towards the character limit. 1 LOGO PER CREATIVE LIMITGenerally speaking WeTransfer has a limit of 1 logo per creative. Allowable exceptions include wallpapers for technology or creative tooling advertisers that may require the display of multiple logos. These will always be assessed by the studio on a case by case basis. WeTransfer does not allow the positioning of a logo next to the WeTransfer logo at the top left corner. We recommend client logos are placed close to the main message or in another corner of the screen. NO DISPLAY OF PRICES OR DISCOUNTSWeTransfer believes that any key message can be conveyed without the need for a price or discount. They may consider the display of prices and/or discounts on user interaction (hover/click) over an element on a wallpaper, however these will always be assessed by the studio on a case by case basis. When referring to discounts this also includes the use of the word “sale” to imply limited time discount(s). NO USE OF THE WORD “FREE” TO IMPLY COMMERCIAL BENEFITWeTransfer does not allow the use of the word free on their wallpapers if it is intended to imply the user will gain a fiscal or commercial benefit (eg. “Free for a limited time”). NO PLAY-TO-WIN MESSAGINGWeTransfer does not allow messaging simulating or encouraging the user to take part in a play-to-win experience where a commercial reward is obtained purely by chance. DISPLAY OF MANDATORY LEGAL DISCLAIMERS ONLYMandatory legal disclaimers will be positioned at the bottom left or right corner of the wallpaper, set at 50% opacity. The opacity will transition to 100% on hover of the copy and/or CTA. The total area that includes the disclaimer can never be more than 15% of the creative space. CHANGE OF CURSOR ALLOWED WITH RESTRICTIONSWeTransfer does not allow a product, price or discount to follow or replace the cursor. They may consider cursor changes only after consultation with the studio to understand its purpose and ensure the result is subtle and unobtrusive. NO USE OF QR CODESWeTransfer respects theirusers flow, so we do not allow the display of QRcodes on wallpapers intended to redirect them to another device. KEEP IT ACCESSIBLEWhen reviewing a creative, they can provide guidance on the adequate contrast ratio to ensure the message and key elements (copy, CTA, play button and/orlogo) are accessible. RE-USE WALLPAPERS FOR MULTIPLE MARKETSFor campaigns run across multiple markets, WeTransfer allows the same creative to be used (with translation changes when needed). MINIMAL PACKSHOTSAny packshots will be no bigger than 8% of the total creative space. Any readable copy other than the product or brand name will be counted towards the character limit. We will consider exceptions to the packshots relative size if the way it’s displayed is a critical part of the creative concept. In these instances the studio will review on a case by case basis. |
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SLIDESHOWS AND ANIMATIONS EVERY 3-4 SECSAny creative involving a change in background or a significant change in animation must trigger every 3-4 seconds (at a minimum - this can be slower at Advertiser’s request) to avoid disturbing our users flow SURVEYS OR POLLS ARE ALLOWEDQuestions can be designed and incorporated into a wallpaper. WeTransfer does not offer detailed survey analysis – we will only provide data based on the interaction with the survey. Standard character limits apply. They recommend redirecting users to a survey provider if the survey is lengthy. IN-WALLPAPER GAMES ARE ALLOWEDAs a highly interactive and custom creative, games will be discussed with the Advertiser on a case by case basis. Standard design guidelines and principles apply. NO FLICKERING OR GLITCHY EFFECTSWeTransfer respects their user‘s flow so effects, animations or videos that flash, flicker, glitch or jitter are not permitted. NO ALTERING, AMENDING OR PLAYING WITH THE WETRANSFER INTERFACEThe WeTransfer logo, the WeTransfer box, and other standard UI-Elements can not be moved. They do not allow wallpaper animation or interaction to “play” with the WeTransfer UI. The change in spot illustration and colors on the WeTransfer interface will only be considered on a case by case basis for special campaigns SUDDEN ANIMATIONS TRIGGERED BY USER INTERACTION MAY BE CONSIDEREDThese will always be reviewed by the studio on a case by case basis, with the WeTransfer standard principles in mind. VIRTUAL REALITY IS POSSIBLE BUT UNLIKELY TO PERFORMThe service of WeTransfer is not currently optimised for VR, therefore Advertiser’s who would like to include this functionality in their wallpaper will need to review their idea with the studio to determine if it is suitable INCLUDING A SOCIAL MEDIA SHARE BUTTON MAY BE CONSIDEREDThis will be reviewed on case by case basis and WeTransfer will give design recommendations based on the purpose of the campaign. The button will only direct the users to the Advertiser’s social media page. We do not allow direct share pop up screens or iframe’s directly within the wallpaper. ANIMATING WITH LOTTIETo ensure compatibility on their wallpapers, Advertiser’s who supply their own animations (via AE) are asked to provide files that adhere to the Lottie supported features. NO EMBEDDED EXTERNAL SERVICESWeTransfer does not allow external services such as social media feeds or chat services to be embedded to their wallpapers ENSURING OPTIMUM BROWSER PERFORMANCEIn some instances where the weight of a coded animation is too heavy WeTransfer may recommend the use of a video rather than animation to ensure the optimum performance of a wallpaper. In these cases WeTransfer will always discuss with the Advertiser before they start a build. ENSURING BROWSER COMPATIBILITYDepending on the level of interaction and animation required, some browsers may not allow full support. WeTransfer may need to simplify the creative on some browsers (usually Internet Explorer) to ensure the optimum performance of the wallpaper. They also support IE11+. |
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AUTOPLAY VIDEO ON LOAD IS ALLOWEDFor cinemagraphs and intro videos WeTransfer allows auto playing of videos. LIGHT INTRO VIDEO AND CINEMAGRAPH FILE WEIGHTWeTransfer has a strict 1.5MB maximum file weight for intro videos and cinemagraphs on initial load (note, total wallpaper weight limit is 2.8MB). This means that an intro video will usually be cut to between 3 to 8 seconds maximum, at a minimum resolution of 1920x1080. Once a user clicks to play a video, file weight restrictions do not apply. VIDEOS SHOULD BE COLOUR CORRECTED AND ADJUSTEDGenerally speaking WeTransfer will not make any colour adjustments to an Advertiser’s video. They request all video assets are delivered colour corrected and colour graded at the highest resolution (1920x1080 minimum). NO LOGOS OR SUPERS ON VIDEOS FOR INTRO VIDEO / CINEMAGRAPHThe Advertiser must supply videos without logos and/or opening and closing supers baked into footage that are intended to be used as intro videos or cinemagraphs. NO THIRD PARTY VIDEO EMBEDDINGWeTransfer does not allow YouTube, Vimeo or any direct video player embedding into our wallpapers NO HARD CUTS OR SUDDEN SCENE CHANGESIntro videos should generally contain a single scene with no jarring effects or hard cuts. WeTransfer may consider a subtle cut (eg. fade in/out) to another scene provided it is visually similar and is not visually disruptive to the user. |